Trialling Compost under vines - Farmers perspectives

Soils Natural Gold - Gillian Stewart

Compost under Vines - Initial results Declan McDonald

Soil amendments - what does your soil need? Chris Alenson

Soil Biology - Assoc Prof Pauline Mele - Soil amendment expo

Compost expert Declan McDonald talks about compost trials

Questions to the Panel - Soil Amendment Expo Feb '15


A Day on The Vegie Farm - Highlights March 2016

A Day on the Dairy Farm Highlights June 2016

Highlights - Gippsland Food Growers and Makers 2016

Chris Alenson talks about farmer discussion groups

Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 1 - Minimise Soil Disturbance

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 2 - Maximise crop diversity

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 3 - Keep soil covered Watch later Share

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 4 - Living roots year round

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 5 - Integration of Livestock

Regenerative Agriculture - Key Principle 6 - Integration of trees

Summary and Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture

The Western Port Catchment Landcare Network (WPCLN) is a community based not for profit organisation

